a little bit home


Honestly it’s been an honor. i came to prescott with only the highest of expectations and can confess to saying (on numerous occasions, nonetheless) that i might just stay here for ever and ever and never leave… alas… emphasis on the might.

oh, go time! the truth of the matter is that i thrive on the up&out. really, it was just about a year ago that i started this little blog thing as a result of overstaying my welcome, er, welcoming my overstay, rather… left ye merrie olde east coast for a big fat dose of the open road and the west to come.

as i write this, my house… yes, i’ve been living in an actual house (one not made of canvas and without a tow hitch even)… is is the throes of moving chaos. the amount of stuff one can accumulate over the course of a six month lease is truly impressive and i’m in the process of getting it back down to a slim truckload…

i’ll let this post be a launching off point for the days to come.  some open road ensues and then i’m denver-bound for a colorado winter and a touch of the city life.

and, of course, a moment of gratitude…  the thing i have appreciated the most about prescott, arizona is the company i’ve kept.  it’s been this crew of phenomenal ladies and upstanding dudes that i owe so many smiles to.   it would be inappropriate to say goodbye at a time like this.  i think an hasta pronto will do and the promise to cross paths again soon… a bientôt!


Ever Since


puttin the white in…